Link: Why Tubi CEO Anjali Sud thinks free TV can win again | The Verge

I’ve never heard of Tubi. I must check them out.

Link: Google still recommends glue for your pizza | The Verge

An eighth of a cup of Elmer’s, to be precise.

It’s now June 11th, 2024 and it’s still there. Yeah, AI is gonna save our ass. It’s not even artisanal glue!

Link: Get a Closer Look at the Star Trek Enterprise Model | Smithsonian Magazine

The starship model used in filming underwent an extensive conservation

Link: Judge rather than jury will render verdict in upcoming antitrust trial | AP

Deep pockets wins trial by judge rather than trial by jury.

Link: It’s The Information, Stupid | Mojeek Blog

Search engines can influence an election.

Actually the influence of search engines on elections has been commented on since the early 2000s. Books may have been written, and yet little academic research seems to have been done. It may seem remarkable, unless you think about it.

Link: Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare | Lifewire

“As someone who has worked extensively in tech and cybersecurity, I can tell you that Linux is indeed a viable alternative for those who wish to avoid AI integrations found in mainstream operating systems like macOS and Windows,”

Link: Is the Golden Age of Fair Use Over? | Mojeek Blog

If you take from the web, you should give back. Search engines like Google and Bing used to do that with hyperlinks; sending traffic back to the web-pages which they have crawled and indexed. The voluntary arrangement of respecting robots.txt files and page meta tags, and linking back, is underpinned by the legal concept of fair usage.