Link: We can have a different web | Molly White

The walled enclosures that crowded out much of that acre of developed land still reside within an infinite expanse of possibility. There are no limits to the web — if it has borders, they are ever expanding. We may feel as though we are trapped in a tiny, crowded, noisy space, but it is only because we don’t see over the walls.

H/T Flamed Fury

Link: TheSmallWay.txt | the library of alexandra

Embracing the Small Web for Connection

Link: Return of the $2 Trillion Secret Trial Against Google | Big Tech On Trial

A good summary of where we left off 6 months ago, because it was so long ago nobody remembers.

Link: The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars | Vox

Dangerous, polluting SUVs and pickups took over America. Lawmakers are partly to blame.

Link: GeoCities’ Afterlife and Web History ⁋ by olia

Since GeoCities—as a stand-in for the past web, a representative for a certain visual style, or simply as a digital artifact and data set—becomes increasingly popular in mass culture and academia, and we at One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age feel partly responsible for it, there are four statements I’d like to make. Some more obvious than others, but all of them made in order to restore historical justice.

Link: US’s power grid continues to lower emissions—everything else, not so much | Ars Technica

Excluding one pandemic year, emissions are lower than they’ve been since the 1980s.

Link: “Webbing” the IndieWeb | Tracy Durnell

The IndieWeb in general is publishing oriented; however, the pool of people willing to publish anything is very small as a subset of the online audience. If the IndieWeb is meant to be for all, we ought to consider how our indie websites can serve people who primarily read content rather than write it — at the same time we lower the barriers to entry of posting replies and interacting with our sites.

Link: The internet used to be fun | Rachel J. Kwon

here’s a collection of articles that to some degree answer the question “Why have a personal website?” with “Because it’s fun, and the internet used to be fun.”

Link: What Big Tech Does With Your Data | Mojeek Blog

Many say “I have nothing to hide” when you talk to them about why you dodge Big Tech tools, but what they don’t realise is that this information is used for many more things than just building an advertising profile about you. When you accept those terms, you’re signing up for a lot more than just one company taking a peek at your data, serving you some ads, and then letting it lie.

Link: The Humble Brilliance of Italy’s Moka Coffee Pot | Gastro Obscura

In the era of pods, the iconic item has become an endangered species.